Ruhr-Sieg Railroad

Hagen <–>Siegen

Frontend / Steel Time Travel / Railway / Ruhr-Sieg Railroad

Ruhr-Sieg Railroad

11 tunnels, 20 bridges over rivers, 106 kilometers of curves: the construction of the Ruhr-Sieg Railway is a massive feat! In the area of Altena station, even the riverbed of the Lenne has to make way for the new rail track. All in all, the curved course of the line severely restricts the speed of the trains and exposes the tracks to increased wear. The tunnels also require constant maintenance. The biggest hurdle is overcoming the watershed of the Sieg and Lenne rivers between Altenhundem and Kreuztal. Heavily loaded freight trains can only master it with the help of additional locomotives.

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… But the efforts pay off. Even before it was opened in 1861, new ironworks, rolling mills, ore mines and other businesses were built alongside the later line. Eventually, more than 120 freight trains a day are operated there. As a result, the mining and smelting industry in the Siegerland region benefits from considerably lower transport costs – with the price of hard coal alone dropping by two-thirds! – and a boost against the English competition. In turn, the iron ore shipments from the Siegerland start to bring the smelting works in the Ruhr District to full bloom. The access to smaller valleys by light and branch railways stimulates even remote industries and ensures the supply of the population in years of poor crops. As of 1965, the electrification of the line facilitates operations on the inclines. However, soon afterwards the structural transformation of industries heralds the decline of freight transport.


The "steel time travelers" Luise & Alfred: Ruhr-Sieg Railroad


Eleven dark tunnels, 20 bridges over raging rivers, curves without end. Alfred, I'm not tired of living! Do you want me to endure such a hellish ride on a steam train?

Full dialog text
Lu: Eleven dark tunnels, 20 bridges over raging rivers, curves without end. Alfred, I'm not tired of living! Do you want to subject me to such a hellish ride on the steam train?

Al: Don't worry - respect would be more appropriate! This new railroad line also leads up high - over 400 meters at Welschen-Ennest!

Lu: What are you talking about? We are not in Austria. This is the purest mountain-and-valley railroad? Who is building something like that and, above all, what for?

Al: Not so wrong! Alpine engineering skills and expertise have indeed been used here for the bold undertaking of connecting Hagen and Siegen ...

Lu: Probably true - daring! This connection certainly also brought benefits for various financiers. My guess is the steel mills in the Siegerland region.

Al: That's half right! They participated in order to get the Ruhr coal faster - for smelting their iron. But in return ...

Lu: ... they are eager for Siegerland iron ore in the Ruhr area. One hand washes the other. And there's no need to cut down trees for charcoal anymore.

Al: Well spotted. Are you getting on now? The journey also offers scenic attractions in abundance.

125 years Ruhr-Sieg railroad (1996)

Brief description (film without sound)

The film sequences underline the economic importance of the Ruhr-Sieg railroad and provide information about the end of the steam age on this railroad line.

The Ruhr-Sieg railroad in pictures